[because one of my more neurotic routines is that I keep a small notebook with the books I’ve read arranged by date.]
Books read in 2009: 91
Comics and graphic novels included in reading total: 12
Books of poetry included in reading total: 5
Books reread included in reading total: 6
Education related books included in reading total: 28
“YA” books included in reading total: 7
Clearly, a significant chunk of the books I read this year were related to school and to school. The thing about grad school is that there are often a whole bunch of articles and papers I’ve read that aren’t reflected on this list (they become part of the collective flotsam that is my EndNote library – itself another haphazard list of materials read). Why do I keep such a list? Most practically, because I’ve come to accept that I have a terrible memory: flipping through the notebook, there are several titles I don’t even remember (I read this? And this? Really?).
A few highlights in my year of reading:
- The Remains of the Day, Jeff in Venice, Death in Varanasi, and 2666 were stunning novels by writers I’d already adored.
- Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell was the epic fantasy fix I needed in this post-Potter world.
- Asterios Polyp & the works of Jason renewed my faith in graphic novels.
- Bluets and The Tennis Court Oath (though I’m still reading it and it’s technically not counted in this list) have been making me want to get back to writing poetry.
- Mindstorms, Women, Fire, & Dangerous Things, and Dare the School Build a New Social Order? were older education related texts that were a refreshing breath of air.
- And Here’s the Kicker made me start writing in my spare time again (and re-watch a ton of amazing comedies).
- And it was nice revisiting good friends bell hooks and J.D. Salinger.
As far as music goes, considering that I got this computer a third of the way through the year, my iTunes most played list serves as a useful indicator of what was what (how Squirrel Nut Zippers made it so high up the list is beyond me… though I think frequent use of the song to wind up Sadie may have something to do with it).
Music for your itunes:
Music to add to your itunes:
Book to be added to your list of books:
(you’re welcomed hehe)
Pingback: The American Crawl : “I remember downcast eyes and secret whims”: Books Read in 2010
Pingback: The American Crawl : “There was always damage”: Books Read in 2011